Just this week, I was overjoyed that one of my dreams to have a travel themed party came true. The set-up was elegant, the food were all delicious, and most importantly, I celebrated it with my favorite people. Mr. Yellow and our little one were not there though but we’ll definitely have a separate celebration together.
Xela, my friend, (who was by the way the organizer of the party) with the help of our teammates, sent me this impressive birthday invitation that really kicked my excitement to the highest level!
But I think, my reaction when I saw the set-up was far too precious!
Well, who would not be elated when you see these on your birthday?
I was giggling on this picture while I was trying to tell Xela I was so relieved she exceeded my expectations!
Also, look closely on how they organized everything and put them all together into one great creation!
This was by the way their gift and I LOVE IT SO MUCH! This is not an ordinary map: I need to scratch the places I’ve been to and it will change its color. Way to go!
This map will surely stir the yellowtravelingfamily into the directions of our dreams!
This globe sprinkled a magical travel glow on that day!
and the food…there were definitely MORE on the table!
All the food tasted great! They were baked and cooked by the talented parents of my teammates.
Of course, a birthday only makes sense if there is a CAKE! This awesome creation here was specially made by one of the most talented chefs in PH, Chef Miko Aspiras of Scout’s Honor Century Mall. The cake tasted really good but it was too beautiful to eat.
Finally, the party was complete because of the presence of these people:
My awesome team and dear friends…
My pretty kureso friends… as to why we are called “kuresos”, it will be a separate story for me to tell.
And to my very talented and smart friend here who made everything possible, GRATITUDE! You are raising the bar of our birthday celebrations year after year!
Reflections from the author:
I take this year as an added blessing to go on a wonderful journey: with my family, friends, and loved ones. To dream, to inspire, to breathe, to love, and to trust in the perfect master plan of a Supreme being – these are my personal commitments to this awesome universe!